Until the American elections, it seemed that Russia and China posed the most immediate challenges to the economic security of the European Union. But the next US presidential administration holds the most power to disrupt the EU's new economic security strategy.
China and Geopolitics Blog
The exact course the US will take with regard to China depends on the election results. China itself sees differences but mostly similarities between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Beijing is preparing for further intensification of the geopolitical competition with the US in any case. This will also have consequences for Europe and the...
Al jaren oefenen de Verenigde Staten stevige druk uit op Nederland om de export van chipmachines naar China te beperken. Onlangs namen de VS maatregelen die de exportmogelijkheden voor ASML naar China verder beknotten. Daarmee is duidelijk dat de besluiten over welke halfgeleidertechnologie vanuit Nederland aan China geleverd mag worden niet in Den...
On June 30, the Dutch government announced new restrictions on the export of semiconductor equipment. It is widely understood that these restrictions are aimed primarily at the relationship between ASML and its customers in China, even though the government claims its policy to be 'country-neutral'. According to Minister for Foreign Trade and...
Making the future of Sino-European relations dependent on China's position on the war in Ukraine
"How China continues to interact with Putin's war will be a determining factor for EU-China relations going forward." This statement by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her March 30 speech shows that, for the European Commission and presumably for the EU in general, dealing with Russia and the war in Ukraine is a bigger...
Hoe moet Nederland zich opstellen ten opzichte van de militaire dreiging die China voor Taiwan vormt? De Chinese regering gebruikt haar militaire macht op drie verschillende manieren in relatie tot Taiwan. Om te beginnen dreigt China met militair ingrijpen als Taiwan zich afscheidt van het Chinese vasteland. De dreiging van ingrijpen wordt...
De strijd om het leiderschap van de vierde industriële revolutie neemt een volgende wending. Onlangs kondigde president Biden nieuwe regels aan waarmee Amerika de export van microchips - en apparatuur om deze te maken - naar China verder beperkt.
The EU-China summit on April 1 did not halt the ongoing deterioration of relations between the two actors. At the summit, the EU leaders talked primarily about the war in Ukraine, while their Chinese counterparts tried to avoid that topic. Afterwards, EU High Representative Josep Borrell expressed disappointment that Beijing refuses to name Russia...
On 27 March 2019, Prime Minister Bettel of Luxembourg was in Beijing to witness the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on BRI cooperation. This took place only four days after Italy signed a similar document. The Italian move attracted widespread attention, was called a 'landmark accord' by Bloomberg, and was openly criticised by the United...
Italy considers joining the New Silk Road
After Greece and Portugal, Italy could be the next Southern European country to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. President Xi Jinping will visit Italy on March 22-24, and according to Reuters the two countries are negotiating the terms of a possible MoU. Although less sensitive than cooperation on...