Hoe moet Nederland zich opstellen ten opzichte van de militaire dreiging die China voor Taiwan vormt? De Chinese regering gebruikt haar militaire macht op drie verschillende manieren in relatie tot Taiwan. Om te beginnen dreigt China met militair ingrijpen als Taiwan zich afscheidt van het Chinese vasteland. De dreiging van ingrijpen wordt...
For the Netherlands, one of China's largest economic partners in the EU, the main vulnerability stemming from economic interaction with China is that it can lead to strategic dependencies. This Hybrid CoE Working Paper analyzes China's economic influence as a potential threat to national security and the Dutch government's response. The main...
President Joe Biden surprised friend and foe in October with new restrictions for the export of microchips and chip-making equipment to China in order to slow down its technological development. The US wants European companies to follow suit. Sanne van der Lugt and Frans-Paul van der Putten warn that the new restrictions threaten the...
The maritime logistics hub function is of strategic importance to the Netherlands as a trading country. The Netherlands positions itself as the 'Gateway to Europe' thanks to its advanced logistics network and plays an important role in the global economy. This position nevertheless faces an uncertain future: there is no guarantee that the...
The Dutch government is looking into reports that Chinese police forces are operating illegally in the Netherlands and attempting to intimidate critics of Beijing. An investigation by two Dutch media outlets, RTL Nieuws and Follow the Money, found that "at least two offices" had been opened by Chinese police without telling the Dutch authorities....
De strijd om het leiderschap van de vierde industriële revolutie neemt een volgende wending. Onlangs kondigde president Biden nieuwe regels aan waarmee Amerika de export van microchips - en apparatuur om deze te maken - naar China verder beperkt.
Rondetafelgesprek met de vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken van de Tweede Kamer over de relevantie van Russische partnerschappen met China, India en landen in Afrika voor de effectiviteit van de westerse sancties die tegen Rusland zijn ingesteld naar aanleiding van de Russische invasie in Oekraine.
Die Schauplätze der systemischen Rivalität Europas mit Staaten wie China und Russland mehren sich. Vergangene Woche suchten nun Abgeordnete des Ausschusses für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments in einer öffentlichen Anhörung mit mehreren internationalen Experten nach Antworten.
[...] "Peking betont immer wieder, dass auch China...
European Parliament hearing on the Chinese and Russian influence in various regions of the world
On 31 August, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Special Committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation held a joint public hearing on "The Chinese and Russian influence in various regions of the world". The hearing examined the attempts of China and Russia to gain influence in...
China seems to be overtaking Europe in global infrastructure investments, with EU leaders alarmed about the possible consequences. How does China benefit from expanding the Silk Road to other continents, and what could be Europe's response?